This is not a problem, you can even play several chapters without a treasurer and go well. Jamandi will offer him his help to settle; However, you make your own independent barony and can act at will. If you complete Act 1 within 30 days (with 60 days left before the deadline), it will give you the Lord Protector (+2 Duel Sword, Finesse Wielding, Loyal [-5 penalty for attacking roles against friendly targets]). In any case, the motto of your loyalty seems to be the envoy you whisper in your ear – Kassil Aldori represents the Aldoris, while Natala Surtova will offer the services of Shandra Mervey. The selection of landers opens up the possibility of a more neutral approach. End this treacherous little banquet by talking to Jamandi and make sure you choose the envoy you want using the dialogue option “Before I start, I want to talk about the envoy I`m going to take with me.” It`s not so much a moral decision, but a political decision, so choose the faction you prefer by naming their envoy, or try to stay neutral and choose landers. It`s time for your coronation as Baron. Your barony! Talk to Oleg and head to Restov, where you will soon be talking to Jamandi Aldori. However, their conversation is more about business than pleasure, as the rather generous terms for granting a title to anyone who expelled the deer lord from the stolen lands have been seeking an explanation for some time. Maegar Varn is the ruler of Dunsward, your neighbor to the east – an opportunist who claimed his crown by taking the initiative in a disputed country at the instigation of Jamandi Aldori. It will also warn you of another guest, Hannis Drelev, or rather, Baron Drelev, your neighbor to the west. Unlike you and Maegar Varn, he was born in the title and looks at competent “homines novi” like you with more than a little contempt. Talk to Joseph Sellemius – mayor of the almost independent city of Restov – and when you leave, he will also offer you building materials.
In this case, his offer is less generous than that of Ezvanki Keeg, since the five hundred wagons he sends you are accompanied by the condition that you “use the services of the Restov Builders Guild” until you have paid for the goods in full. Make all the financial decisions you want, then imagine Natala Surtova, who, in addition to her “sweet smile”, wastes little time in courtesy before entering politics. She is aware of the game the Aldoris are playing and is less reserved when it comes to giving you “warnings” about the fate that awaits your barony if you side with her enemies. No matter who you support, it seems that the leaders of both factions are pretty sure that your country will face the strange, if not direct, siege and conquest ride. Natala Surtova`s solution, of course, is the exact opposite of Jamandi and suggests that in the face of an inevitable war on two fronts, the Aldoris will remain subdued. The deal absolutely gives you a net profit in BP – just don`t build too many buildings while it`s active – not that you really want! The actual cost is 90 days as treasurer. And it`s not worth it IMO. You`ll have enough gold to speed up the kingdom`s expansion without this offer, and thanks to the Varnhold chapter, you`ll have more gold to know what to do. Your role is therefore to indirectly serve Aldori`s interests by being a political counterweight to the Surtovas.
While Brevoy could not claim disputed territories without provoking an international incident, an enterprising third party could. More importantly, if this new state were to ally with the Aldori (or at least remain neutral) when they claimed independence from the Surtovas, it could deter the Surtovas from pursuing their claim to sovereignty. Of course, nothing prevents you from siding with the Surtovas, but Jamandi will make a rather casual threat to the future of your barony if you try such duplicity. Still, something to plan for. When you`re done chatting with Jamandi, you can attend the banquet that takes place in your honor, giving you the chance to meet other creators in Brevoy`s political quagmire. These include Lander, Maegar Varn, Natala Surtova, Joseph Sellemius, Ezvanki Keeg and Hannis Drelev. In any case, the currency of your loyalty seems to be the emissary you whisper in your ear – Kassil Aldori represents the Aldoris, while Natala Surtova will offer you the services of Shandra Mervey. The choice of federal states opens up the possibility of a more neutral approach. Stop this little insidious banquet by chatting with Jamandi and paying attention to the desired envoy and choosing the option of dialogue: “Before I start, I want to talk about the envoy I will take with me.” It`s not so much a moral decision, it`s a political decision, so choose the group you prefer by naming their messenger, or try to stay neutral and choose countries. .